Advanced Gold Dredging Techniques Part 1 and Part 2 by Dave McCracken Long-experienced author, Dave McCracken, shares a wealth of insight and USEFUL information about dredging for gold. Of primary importance to any gold dredger are the chapters on prospecting in hard-packed, natural streambeds, and production dredging. But Dave also covers other very valuable information, such as: which boulders to look for in the streambed that will help you locate pay streaks; a complete rundown on underwater boulder winching techniques; deep water dredging; fast water dredging; cold water dredging; how to care for, modify and repair wet or dry suits, hot water systems; recovering 100% of the free gold out of dredge concentrates with minimal time and effort; and a long list of new tricks of the dredging trade. Advanced Dredging Techniques Part 1: Finding and Recovering Pay-streaks by Dave McCracken. If you enjoy dredging for gold, then this book is for you! Dave McCracken tells you all you need to know about pay-streaks; what they are, how they are created, and most importantly, how to dredge them up without leaving gold behind! A smart investment for any dredger. Advanced Dredging Techniques Part 2: The Right Approach by Dave McCracken. "What every gold dredger should know – Part 2″! Dave McCracken has so much knowledge about gold dredging to share, he couldn’t fit it all in one book! Improve your dredging techniques in deep, cold, or fast waters, and learn some handy tips and secrets of the trade. Gold Rush Guys have many Metal Detecting/History & Gold Prospecting Books/Videos & Maps. Many of these are out-of-print or out of production! Gold Rush Guys - Carolina Dealers for XP DEUS, Detector Pro Detectors and Headphones, Fisher & Tesoro Detectors, The GOLD CUBE, TURBO PAN, Buckabilly sluices and JOBE Manf Equipment, Falcon MD20 & Finish Pan. |