Stainless Steel Bucket Classifie

These are very strong and will not come apart stainless steel classifiers, the screen

is molded into the plastic then reinforced with a lower ring to keep screen intact

they are 13.5” across the top then tapered down to 11” to fit easily on the rim of

any size or style of round bucket. They are 3.5” tall and can be nested so several

sizes of material can be screened at one time. A classifier screen is a very critical

part of prospecting. Many people ask which sizes they should start with, we say

its best to start with at least a 4 mesh, 8 mesh, 12 mesh if your just starting.

What is "MESH” it means the number of holes in and inch. Example 12 MESH means

12 holes across an inch so there will be a total of 144 holes in a square inch.


1/2” Item#SC12

For removing big rocks

1/4” Item#SC14

Most Popular Size

1/8” Item#SC18

Popular Size

1/12” Item#SC112

Popular size (Black Magic)

1/20” Item#SC120

Common sizes of flakes

1/30” Item#SC130

Perfect Size for just Panning

1/50” Item#SC150

Fine Gold

1/70” Item#SC170

Fine Gold

1/100” Item#SC100

Almost Powder Gold

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